About the project
As an economic development organization, The Delaware Valley Industrial Resource Center (DVIRC) had a track record of helping manufacturing companies increase profitability. However, job losses in the Great Recession and the perception that manufacturing wasn’t an attractive career path had tarnished the industry’s image. We were determined to highlight how the DVIRC was making manufacturing sexy.
Created and implemented a media relations campaign for DVIRC to raise the awareness of the benefits of “advanced manufacturing” in the Philadelphia region. Faced with headlines of rising job losses in the manufacturing sector, we targeted manufacturing and economic development reporters to introduce stories about innovation among small-to-medium sized manufacturers. This exposure showcased DVIRC’s consulting services in Lean, STEM education and other resources to enhance profitability.
Successfully generated feature stories about DVIRC’s manufacturing innovation in Philadelphia Business Journal, Norristown Times Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer, WHYY-Radio as well as statewide economic development trades such as Keystone Edge and other websites. DVIRC received instant positive feedback from Board of Directors, state agencies and clients who are key constituencies for the group.
- Client: Delaware Valley Industrial Resource Center